Cancer Survivorship Program

Cancer Survivorship Program


Our cancer survivorship program is about more than surviving the disease. It’s about advocating for personalized, comprehensive high quality of care after cancer diagnosis and treatment. It’s about living a new normal, with an informed, all-inclusive approach to health and quality of life. It’s about bringing a sense of reassurance to what was once a difficult, uncertain time for the patient, their families, friends, and caregivers.

We recognize survivorship as a distinct phase of the cancer-care continuum. When the active phases of your treatment are complete, you need to know about recommended screenings, how to deal with any late- and long-term side effects resulting from treatment, and preventive care. We empower you with the tools to succeed in those areas by keeping you connected to your current cancer care team at Great Lakes Cancer Care Collaborative while integrating your primary care physician and other providers. We also offer a variety of additional resources and specialty care programs focused on improving your health and quality of life.

More people today are surviving cancer than ever before, thanks to advances in detection, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. We want you to be one of them.

Our support services start with individual appointments. We work with cancer survivors and their family members to develop a plan that addresses the emotional, mental, social, and spiritual aspects of surviving cancer.

Our goals include:

  • Surveillance for cancer spread, recurrence or second cancers.
  • Assessment of later medical and psychosocial effects.
  • Coordination between specialists, oncologists and primary-care providers to ensure that all of the survivor’s health needs are met.



Our support doesn’t end
after treatment is over.
Join the Survivorship program,
call 716-884-3000

Our survivorship program addresses post-treatment options for your physical and emotional health, including:

Referrals to nutrition specialists, to help you develop or strengthen healthy eating habits. Proper nutrition can aid in recovery and help you manage issues such as digestion problems, heart conditions, or weight gain.

The chance to work with rehab specialists, who can help you get back on your feet, physically and mentally. Your individualized plan may include focusing on increasing strength and energy, managing pain, and improving functionality.

Access to specialists in cardiology, pulmonology, sexual health and fertility, and more, whose expertise includes an understanding of the specific issues you may encounter after the cancer treatment process. 



Understanding Lymphedema

November 15, 2022
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Breast Cancer Network of WNY
3297 Walden Avenue, Depew, NY

To register,
or call 716-884-3000 For more information email Melissa Wanzer at anzer at

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